a-titty-ninja:「温泉瑞鶴」 by セゾク | Twitter๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔
aku-no-homu:ケッコン by artist Na53@お仕事募集中 (@nagomi_759)
aku-no-homu:Heart-warming Valentine’s comic by artist 見習い雑兵 (@zouhyou)my typesetting, translated by
aku-no-homu:Heart-warming Valentine’s comic by artist 見習い雑兵 (@zouhyou)my typesetting, translated by
nijigenlewd:翔鶴姉 by artist 皆村春樹 (@halllki)
aku-no-homu:Shoukaku by artist MoonAndMist (@MoonAndMist)
nijigenlewd:Shoukaku by artist 黄ばんだごはん@お仕事募集中 (@kibanndagohann)
aku-no-homu:Shoukaku by artist 秋染 ハツカ (@shuhatu)
nait0u:鉄山かや→3日目C03bさんのツイート: “翔鶴さん腹黒可愛いよねぇ…… #アズールレーン https://tco/hhltq8uxC9”
goit-studio:翔鶴 - アズールレーン Azur laneFor patreon get full-color artworks and PSD formatssupport me cli
nijigenlewd:ポッキーの日&靴下の日 by artist 大嘘@9/28単行本発売 (@U_S_O, fantia)
nijigenlewd:ポッキーの日&靴下の日 by artist 大嘘@9/28単行本発売 (@U_S_O, fantia)
quan-tum-blr-cat:翔鶴さん~(*´o`*)早く瑞鶴たんもお迎えしたい✨ | kurun_s
aku-no-homu:Shoukaku by artist 九印-quin- (@quin_9_)
quan-tum-blr-cat:翔鶴完成しました~姉妹とも皆さんのところに来てくれますように!| paintmusume
is-the-order-a-destroyer-new:鶴姉妹とさくら | あゆや [pixiv]
Seiyuu, Animu, Games & Waifus tumblr @tobiasr32
fileth-fileth:しめじさんのツイート: もうすっかり夏ですね☀️
piyo:「no320」/「多元菌」のイラスト [pixiv]※Permission granted by the artist to reprint their artwork Please do
morekancollegirls:みみかき翔鶴 by artist meth(めと)@お仕事募集中 (@meth2480)
Seiyuu, Animu, Games & Waifus tumblr @tobiasr32